Seeking contractors to help develop a fire camp guide for volunteer and combination departments.
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We ask that you please share any relevant documents your agency has and complete the brief feedback form on your agency’s mutual aid to help inform best practices and assist us in developing this resource for the entire public safety community.
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Nominate someone who continues to pave the way for improved safety, health, and survival in the fire service.
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Please contact your Senators and ask them to vote for S. 870, the Fire Grants & Safety Act, without any amendments
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Join us March 27-31 as we partner with Lexipol to launch the first annual First Responder Wellness Week
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Within the next few days, the U.S. Senate may be considering legislation to reauthorize funding for key grant programs.
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The 2023 Safety Stand Down will be June 18 - 24. The week of the Safety Stand Down will cover topics relating to lithium-ion battery response and safety, which will be broken down into five daily focus areas: recognition of hazards, firefighting operations, firefighter safety, post-incident considerations, and public education.
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IAFC’s EVMS and Underwriters’ Laboratory (UL), proudly announces the recipient of the 2021
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Update on legislation to reauthorize funding for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program
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We are now accepting submissions for a WUI subject matter expert contractors for the Fireworks Awareness Resources Project .
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