About COS


  • 2010 The IAFC formed a company officer task force. 
  • 2012 The task force became a committee and began work contributing to the mission of the IAFC and the needs of company officers.
  • 2015 With commitments from over 150 IAFC members, the board of directors approved the creation of the official IAFC Company Officers Section.

The section has since become the fastest growing section in the IAFC and is working hard to promote the development and professional growth of company officers.


The COS board includes four executive officers (section chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer) who serve two-year terms, plus eight at-large directors who serve three-year terms. The executive officers are elected by the current COS board.  The at-large directors are elected by section members.


To provide information, education, services and representation to company officers to enhance their professionalism and service to community.

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