SHSS Election

Engage your passion for firefighter health and safety! 


Your SHS Section is seeking candidates for two executive officer positions:

  • Vice Chair
  • Treasurer

In compliance with the Safety, Health and Survival Section Bylaws, the two newly-elected officers will fill the remainder of the 2024 – 2026 term, as the previously elected officers vacated their positions in December 2024. As such, the newly elected vice chair and the newly elected treasurer will serve in their position for one year with their term beginning during Fire-Rescue International (FRI) 2025 in Orlando, Florida.

If you are a chief officer and a member of the SHS Section who has previously served at least one full term on the SHS Section Board of Directors with an interest in serving your fellow section members, send the following information to SHS Section liaison Taylor Munday by 5 PM ET Sunday, March 2:  

  • Name
  • Employer
  • Position within the organization 
  • Your supervisor’s written authorization to serve in the position being sought
    • Must include acknowledgment of required travel and associated expenses for two (2) in-person board meetings each year - one during FRI and one additional mid-year meeting (location and timing varies year-to-year) . Travel expenses for these required meetings may not be covered in full by the board budget, and the remaining amount would fall to the individual’s department or the individual themself.
  • Disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, including private contractual or consulting relationships 
  • Applicable certifications (e.g., Health and Safety Officer certifications, etc.)
  • 250-word maximum biography and/or platform 
  • Photo 

At-Large Directors

Your SHS Section is seeking candidates for at-large directors. Three newly elected at-large directors will serve in their position for three years and one will serve in their position for one year, as they will be filling a recently vacated position. All terms will begin during Fire-Rescue International (FRI) 2025 in Orlando, Florida. 

If you are a chief officer and a member of the SHS Section who’s interested in serving your fellow section members by joining the SHS Section Board, send the following information to SHS Section liaison Taylor Munday at by 5 PM ET Sunday, March 2:  

  1. Name  
  2. Employer 
  3. Position within the organization  
  4. Your supervisor’s written authorization to serve in the position being sought 
    • Must include acknowledgment of required travel and associated expenses for two (2) in-person board meetings each year - one during FRI and one at the Science to the Station conference. Travel expenses for these required meetings may not be covered in full by the board budget, and the remaining amount would fall to the individual’s department or the individual themself.   
  5. Disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, including private contractual or consulting relationships  
  6. Safety officer certifications  
  7. 250-word maximum biography and/or platform  
  8. Photo  

Any questions regarding eligibility or how to submit your candidacy can be directed to the SHS Section liaison, Taylor Munday.


Officer Eligibility

Candidates must be current SHS Section and IAFC members. If elected, they must maintain IAFC and Section memberships for the duration of their term. Members who are Associate members of the IAFC are not eligible to be SHS Section directors. 

The Chair and Vice Chair of the Section’s Board of Directors must be active, nonretired, current, Regular Section and IAFC members at the time of their candidacy and, if elected, must maintain IAFC and Section membership for the duration of their term.

The Secretary and Treasurer of the Section’s Board of Directors may be either active or retired Chief Officers. They must be current, Regular Section and IAFC members at the time of their installation and, if elected, must maintain IAFC and Section membership for the duration of their term.

To be an officer of the Section, the member must have served a minimum of one 3-year term as a member of the Section’s Board of Directors. 

At-large Director Eligibility

Candidates must be current SHS Section and IAFC members. If elected, they must maintain IAFC and Section memberships for the duration of their term. Members who are Associate members of the IAFC are not eligible to be SHS Section directors. 

At least six of the nine at–large directors of the section’s board of directors must be non-retired, no more than three of the at-large directors may be retired chief officers. There are currently three retirees serving as at-large directors, so no retirees are eligible to seek election to the SHS Section Board this year.


At least eleven (11) of the fourteen (14)  members of the Section’s Board of Directors must be non-retired, current, Regular Section and IAFC members at the time of their candidacy and, if elected, must maintain IAFC and Section memberships for the duration of their term. No more than three of the individuals serving as at-large directors, secretary, or treasurer may be retired chief officers.  

If the Chair or Vice Chair retires while in office, he or she shall be permitted to remain in office until the next regular annual meeting of the Section, when a new Chair or Vice Chair shall be elected by the membership to fill the vacancy. 


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