Company Officers Section

Company Officer Section logo

Whether you're a new, experienced or aspiring company officer, make the IAFC your top-of-mind resource for leadership skills training, knowledge resources and networking. Visit often for educational opportunities and IAFC developments affecting company officers along with easy ways to connect with fellow leaders.

Mission of the COS: To provide information, education, services and representation to company officers to enhance their professionalism and service to community.

Upcoming COS Elections

The Company Officers Section is seeking candidates to fill four board positions starting at Fire-Rescue International (FRI) 2025. These positions are for a three-year term. In order to be qualified to run for a position on the board, the individual must be a current member of the IAFC and the IAFC’s Company Officers Section at the time of their candidacy and, if elected, must maintain IAFC and section membership for the duration of their term. If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest and a brief bio to by April 1st.

Join COS

IAFC members of all ranks are welcome to join. Section dues are $25 annually.

Join the IAFC and COS

Get details on IAFC membership types and join the IAFC and the Company Officers Section today. ***Free one-year Company Officers Section subscription available to new IAFC members. This offer is available until June 30, 2025.


Already an IAFC member?

Add COS when you renew or by contacting the IAFC at or 866-385-9110 (toll free, ask for member services). Request an invoice or pay by phone with a credit card.

***Are you receiving IAFC emails? If not, contact to reactivate your email. We want to keep you informed with elections, conferences, award nominations, etc.


Captain Brian Morrison

IAFC Staff Liaison
Danny Gray

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