Let Us Promote Extraordinary Safety, Health and Wellness Efforts
The IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section’s (SHSS) annual SHSS Awards recognize individuals within departments and entire organizations, of any size or composition, who have made a significant contribution to the overall environment of health and safety in the fire service. Take a few minutes today to nominate the people and organizations who continue to pave the way for improved safety, health, and survival in the fire service!
Awards will be presented during the Safety, Health and Survival Section meeting at Fire-Rescue International (FRI) in August.
Alan Brunacini Fire Service Executive Safety Award 
Sponsored by MSA Safety Incorporated, this award is presented to a chief executive officer of a fire department (of any size or composition) who has demonstrated a unique commitment to fire service health and safety.
The 2024 recipient is Battalion Chief Duane Daggers, with the Chesapeake (VA) Fire Department.
Due to the leadership of Chief Daggers, the Chesapeake Fire Department received the 2023 Virginia Fire Chief's Association Health and Safety Award for the advances to their Health and Safety Program. As the former Health and Safety Officer for the department, Chief Daggers secured $459,150.00 in federal grant money to provide enhanced medical testing and screening as part of the established National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1582 medical analysis. Providing this additional protection to the department's 450+ member, offered the opportunity to identify critical illnesses earlier, which allowed medical interventions faster. Keeping firefighters healthy allows the department to provide a responsive and caring service to the citizens of their city.
Billy Goldfeder Fire Service Organizational Safety Award 
Sponsored by VFIS, this award is presented to fire service organizations (of any size or composition) and individuals that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment or significant contribution in fire service health and safety. Fire departments, public agencies, private companies or other organizations that are dedicated to the safety and survival of firefighters may be considered for this award.
The 2024 recipient is Life Scan Wellness Centers (LSWC).
LSWC has done phenomenal work with their comprehensive enhanced early detection NFPA physicals, saving countless firefighters' lives across the country. LSWC has also been active in supporting and providing free preventive ultrasound screenings for various industry stakeholder organizations, such as us the SHSS at Fire-Rescue International, VCOS at Symposium in the Sun, the Metro Chiefs at their annual conference, and various State fire chief association and labor conferences. LSWC also partnered with the likes of Dr. Sara Jahnke, Dr. Denise Smith, Dr. Aaron Baugh, the IAFF Health & Wellness Trust, and Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder on a wide variety of occupational health efforts.
Garry Briese IAFC Safety Performance Award 
Sponsored by WHP Trainingtowers, this award is presented to an individual in recognition of personal commitment to and achievement within the realm of health and safety.
The 2024 recipient is Captain Scott Figgins, with the Mesa (AZ) Fire & Medical Department.
Captain Figgins worked tirelessly to get department members' cancer approved as occupational illnesses. After a 2018 study from the University of Arizona was published, he used study recommendations to implement changes at MFMD and throughout the surrounding valley, including putting together the MFMD Cancer Awareness and Prevention Symposium. As the Chair of the Regional Wellness Committee, he worked with the FDSOA to get the support of the Arizona 100 Club to put decon/washdown buckets on all front-line units throughout the Phoenix Metro area. Working with an industrial hygienist, and scientists from Baylor University, Captain Figgins was able to get department cloth apparatus seats tested and used those results to move the department to adopt the clean cab concept. The contaminates within were so staggering that it ultimately led us to move to the "clean cab" concept. Captain Figgins testified at a Senate Ad Hoc Committee on best practices for minimizing contaminant risk to firefighters. Through this testimony, he also helped provide increased coverage for firefighters such the inclusion of breast and ovarian cancers in the state presumption and coverage for fire investigators. Utilizing federal grant funding, all MFMD suppression members over 40 were offered full body MRI scans, dermatology exams, and urologist consults. This program identified 16 additional cancer cases (6 major) and was eventually expanded to all suppression members regardless of age.
Award Presentation
The awards are presented during the SHS Section meeting at FRI. This year's meeting will be on Thursday, August 15. Exact time and room number will be posted here closer to the event.
The awardee is also invited to dinner on Wednesday, August 14, with the SHS Section Board, SHS Section Sponsors, and SHS Section Partners. Awardees are encouraged to bring a plus one to this event!
FRI Conference Registration and approved travel expenses are covered for the awardee. Conference registration will be provided complimentary and travel expenses will be reimbursed following the conference.
Covered travel expenses:
- Roundtrip economy airfare
- Awardee is welcome to fly in a higher class, but will only be reimbursed for the cost of an economy ticket.
- One checked bag, each way
- Two (2) nights hotel
- Ground transportation (4 trips)
- From home to airport
- From airport to hotel/conference venue
- From hotel/conference venue to airport
- From airport to home
- Three (3) days of airport parking
- Ground transportation between home and airport will not be reimbursed if airport parking is reimbursed.
- Three days of meals, up to $75/day
- Must provide an itemized receipt for all reimbursed meals
- No alcohol will be reimbursed