On Friday the U.S. Senate passed legislation to fund federal wildland fire and hazmat programs through September 30. The House previously passed the Fiscal Year 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 4366) on March 6. The bill will now go to President Biden for signature.
The bill maintains funding for the Volunteer Fire Assistance grants (now named the “Volunteer Fire Capacity” grants) by funding them at $21 million. The State Fire Assistance program (now named the “State Fire Capacity” program) receives $76 million. The bill includes increased pay for federal wildland firefighters.
The bill also includes $74.6 million for hazardous materials safety programs at the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). $46.8 million is included for PHMSA’s Emergency Preparedness Grants and $218.2 million is included for PHMSA’s pipeline safety programs. The Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training grants for rural hazmat training was also reauthorized.
Congress must now decide on funding for programs like the U.S. Fire Administration and Assistance to Firefighter Grant and SAFER grant programs by March 22.