Emergency Vehicle Management

The IAFC's Emergency Vehicle Management Section (formerly Apparatus Maintenance Section) provides a forum for members, both regular and associate, who share a common interest and concern with emergency vehicles and equipment. Specific interests of the section include but are not limited to:

  • Emergency Vehicle Technician Certification Commission EVTCC
  • Promulgation of training and education regarding emergency vehicles and equipment
  • Exchange and distribution of information regarding emergency vehicles and equipment
  • Represent the first service in related EV laws, legislation, regulation and standards making processes

Meet the EVMS board

EVMS Board Elections: Call for Candidates

Interested members of the IAFC’s Emergency Vehicle Management Section are invited to declare their candidacies for the EVMS Section Board.

There will be three openings for the 2025 election cycle:

  • EVMS Board of Director Canadian Division Representative
  • EVMS Board of Director Eastern Division Representative
  • EVMS Board of Director New England Division Representative

Each open Board position carries a three-year term of office.

Interested candidates are required to declare their candidacy by 5 PM ET on February 8, 2025, by submitting the following to the EVMS Nomination Committee through the EVMS Nomination Committee Chair Kevin McCaw kevin.mccaw@cityofls.net and EVMS Staff Liaison, Kevin McGee kmcgee@iafc.org:

  1. Candidate bio and content you want to have posted on the EVMS Election web page (not to exceed 350 words),
  2. Letter of Intent to Seek Office
  3. Candidate resume
  4. Candidate picture

Any active EVMS member from the Canadian Division, Eastern Division and New England Division interested in serving on the EVMS Board must be a member in good standing with both the IAFC, EVMS and Division they are representing.

The Electrification of Fire Apparatus: Is It Time?

This is an informative video about the future and technology of electric fire apparatus.

Mission-Critical Microgrid for Electric Emergency Vehicles.

Mission Critical Microgrids


Join today to receive the latest updates on topics relating to critical emergency vehicle management and maintenance.

Join the IAFC and EVMS

Get details on IAFC membership types and join the IAFC and the Emergency Vehicle Management Section today.


Already an IAFC member?

Add EVMS when you renew or by contacting the IAFC at membership@iafc.org or 866-385-9110 (toll free, ask for member services).

Section Documents

EVMS Bylaws (PDF)

Board Meeting Minutes

All files are PDFs unless otherwise noted.

EVMS Board

Jason Shivers - Chair
Division Chief, Technical Services
Forsyth County Fire Department (GA)

John McDonald- Treasurer
Federal - Military Representative

Edward C. Rice - Vice Chair
Deputy Fire Chief Apparatus Division
D.C. Fire & EMS Department (DC)

Staff Liaison
Kevin McGee

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