L-Course Series

The L-course series provide a unique opportunity to build emerging leaders through lectures and hands-on workshops. Each course is targeted to a specific audience and equips them with skills to better handle high-risk work environments.

L-180 - Human Factors in the High-Risk Environment

Recommended Audience: All firefighters

Course Description: Entry level human performances skills course designed for team members to be integrated into fully operational teams.

  • Situation awareness
  • Communication responsibilities
  • Barriers to situation awareness
  • Decision-making and risk
  • Team cohesion

General Course Purpose:

  • Establish a cultural expectation of being an operator, as opposed to a follower.
  • Create awareness of human performance issues and how they can impact performance as a team member.
  • Provide a common interagency vocabulary of human performance.
  • Communicate the professional responsibility to address human performance issues while on the job.

Course Goal: Improve awareness and standardized vocabulary of human performance issues so individual operators can integrate more effectively into teams/crews working in dynamic, high-risk environments.

L-280 - Emerging Leader

Recommended Audience: Emerging leaders/squad leaders

Course Description: Introductory leadership course designed as a self-assessment opportunity for qualified junior team members preparing to step into a leadership role.

  • Leadership values and principles
  • Transition challenges for new leaders
  • Situational leadership
  • Teambuilding
  • Ethical decision making

General Course Purpose: To make a successful transition from team member to new leader.

Course Goals:

  • Expose operators to foundational leadership concepts in high-risk work environments.
  • Provide operators with small team leadership opportunities to assess themselves regarding how well prepared they are to step into a leadership role.
L-380 - At the Point of the Spear

Recommended Audience: Captain/ LT/ SGT- leaders of established units

Course Description: Leadership skills course that focuses on helping response leaders build more cohesive, adaptive and resilient teams.

  • Communicating vision and intent
  • Teambuilding
  • Detecting operational error
  • Managing stress
  • Application of leadership styles

General Course Purpose:

  • Teach principles for leading in high-risk and high-stress environments, building team cohesion, and resolving conflicts and problems within the team.
  • Reinforce mission-driven operational culture at the team level and to provide a framework from which to launch future organizational development using a mix of theory and classroom and field exercises.

Course Goal: Provide unit supervisors with the tools to build and maintain effective and cohesive crews/teams.

L-481 - Intent into Action

Recommended audience: Battalion Chief/Division Chief/ IMT staff

Course Description: Program offers command teams the skills and tools to build cohesion, adaptiveness and resilience during complex incident planning operations.

  • Develop ethos and team culture
  • Establish and maintain effective command climate
  • Develop and maintain a common operating picture
  • Influence the political, social, information and economic elements of the operational environment

Course Goal: Guide the command and general staff as a highly functional and integrated team that can leverage incident management practices to maximum effectiveness.

L-580 - Leadership in Action

Recommended audience: Executive leadership/senior operations

Course Description: Gain and maintain proper attitude to be an effective, strategic leader when faced with a large-scale crisis.

  • Apply critical thinking to plan at the strategic level beyond what ICS processes offer now
  • Ability to respond, anticipate plan and execute within the strategic, political, social and economic dimensions of the incident while setting conditions for operational and tactical success
  • Establish highly effective incident-response structures using decentralized command and control models and intent-based operations
  • The group-inner circle needed to make strategic decisions
  • Process to generate an effective common operating picture and strategic leader’s intent
  • Decentralized network of organizations and people needed to put strategic intent into action


Jeff Dulin

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