SHSS Election

Newly Elected SHSS Board Members 

Four executive officers and three at-large directors were elected in 2024. Officers will serve two-year terms and at-large directors will serve three-year terms. All positions will begin at Fire-Rescue International 2024 in Dallas, Texas.

The section received one nomination per open seat for 2024. Per the SHS Section Bylaws, "If no more than one eligible member is nominated for any of the offices to be filled, the Secretary/Treasurer shall cast a ballot for those nominated and notify the members of the Section of the election of new officers." In keeping with the bylaws, the sitting secretary, Chief Joanne Rund, cast a single-vote ballot and elected the officers and at-large directors for their new terms.


Officers Elected in 2024

Chair - Nathan Trauernicht, UC Davis (CA) Fire Department (re-elected)

Vice Chair - Ian Emmons, Sarasota County (FL) Fire Department

Secretary - Joanne Rund, Baltimore County (MD) Fire Department (re-elected)

Treasurer - Darin Wallentine, Sarasota County (FL) Fire Department


At-Large Directors Elected in 2024 

Michael Anderson, Travis County ESD #2- Pflugerville (TX) Fire Dept

Matthew Clark, Williston (ND) Fire Department (re-elected)

Nathaniel Hartinger, UC Davis (CA) Fire Department



Officer Eligibility

Candidates must be current active, non-retired members of the SHS Section and IAFC. If elected, they must maintain IAFC and Section memberships for the duration of their term. Members who are Associate members of the IAFC are not eligible to be SHS Section officers. 

Any officer who retires during their term will be permitted to remain in their position until the next regular annual meeting of the section, at this time their seat will be filled. Officers who retire will not be allowed to finish out their term.


At-large Director Eligibility

Candidates must be current SHS Section and IAFC members. If elected, they must maintain IAFC and Section memberships for the duration of their term. Members who are Associate members of the IAFC are not eligible to be SHS Section directors. 

At least six of the nine at–large directors of the section’s board of directors must be non-retired, no more than three of the at-large directors may be retired chief officers. There are currently two retirees serving as at-large directors. 

Any at-large director of the section’s board who retires while in office shall be permitted to remain in office for the duration of his/her term as long as the number of retired directors on the board does not exceed three. If a retirement causes this number to rise to four, the director shall remain in office until the next regular annual meeting of the section, when a new director shall be elected by the membership.

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