
The IAFC Communications Committee focuses on wireless communications issues that impact the U.S. fire service and public safety. The Committee analyzes current issues for their impact on the fire service and gives information and guidance to the IAFC board of directors; analyzes legislative proposals from Congress and works with the administration on communications issues, especially offices in the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Communications Commission; and analyzes and works with private sector organizations that develop proposals of interest to public safety communications.


The Committee members serve on important government and industry committees and boards (e.g., SAFECOM , NPSTC, IMSA and NFPA) representing IAFC and fire service interests.

Committee members also work with other public safety associations and with other organizations (both public and private) that work on issues of interest to the IAFC and its members, such as the establishment a nationwide, wireless broadband network for public safety.

Communications updates & resources


Chris Lombard
Assistant Chief
Seattle Fire Department (WA)

Staff Liaison
Steven Alonzo

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