International Association of Fire Chiefs
Mutual Expectations for Preparedness and Suppression in the Interface

Clear definitions and alignment of responsibilities between all wildland fire protection entities needs to exist. Under the direction of WiFLC, a small cadre of government entities with statutory wildland fire protection responsibilities gathered in Emmitsburg, MD in early October, 2008 to help clarify wildland fire management expectations and responsibilities for the Interface.

This paper is intended to clarify new direction and expectations for wildland fire protection agencies (Federal, State, and Local). It is meant to initiate dialogue and action, while reducing the tensions being experienced during preparedness and suppression operations, cost-sharing negotiations and reimbursements. This is the first document to address expectations and responsibilities in preparedness and suppression. Additional papers will be developed to address hazardous fuels reduction, rehabilitation of forest and rangelands, and community capacity building.

ALL wildland fire protection entities are encouraged to conduct a collaborative review and mutually agree upon current jurisdictional expectations and responsibilities prior to the beginning of this fire season. Discussions should seek to clarify tactical measures including operational strategies which will keep fire on their own jurisdiction and outline mutually developed cost-share expectations for all areas of response. This overall effort will greatly improve our ability to achieve coordinated and efficient fire prevention education, hazard mitigation and suppression operations.

  • Topics:
    • Featured Supression
    • Wildfire
    • Suppression
  • Resource Type:
    • Article
    • Strategy development tool
  • Organizational Author:
    • External

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