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IAFC Position: Health and Fitness Programs for Every Department

Every Fire Chief Should Adopt and Implement a Comprehensive Health and Fitness Program for their Department

The NFPA 1500 Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program clearly outlines the necessity and mechanisms for establishing a departmental health and fitness program. Compliance with this standard is important because the overall health and fitness of every firefighter is a critical component of a department’s operational capabilities.

Data has demonstrated that heart attacks and strokes are a leading cause of firefighter deaths and there is an alarming increase in the nature and extent of cancer cases directly linked to a firefighter’s exposure to hazardous environments. Since firefighter injuries and sudden cardiac deaths can be dramatically reduced with a comprehensive health and fitness program, the measurable benefits of such a health and fitness program are cost effective forboth the community and the fire department.

Every fire chief should adopt and implement a comprehensive health and fitness program, to include annual medical evaluations and cancer screenings that meet NFPA 1582, to ensure the safety and well-being of every firefighter under his/her jurisdiction and should personally pledge to participate in the same program, along with the firefighters, to demonstrate his/her commitment. 

ADOPTED BY: IAFC Board of Directors, August 2009

  • Topics:
    • Human Resources
    • Crisis Communication
    • Department Administration
    • Safety & Health
  • Resource Type:
    • Reference
  • Organizational Author:
    • IAFC

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