International Association of Fire Chiefs
Emergency Response Guide for Excavators, Landowners & Farmers

Public Safety

  • Call ‘811’ before you dig by hand or with machinery. The call and the service are free, and could prevent accidents, injuries or deaths
  • Unauthorized digging by contractors, farmers, landscapers and homeowners is a leading cause of pipeline accidents
  • TransCanada is a member of the ‘811’ system in all states where it has facilities
  • Advise others to contact TransCanada before performing any activity that might damage the pipeline
  • Ensure contractors are aware of safe digging procedures and have called ‘811’ for a locate
  • Contact TransCanada if:
    • You observe any drilling, excavating or blasting in the vicinity of the pipeline that you believe we may not be aware of
    • Crossing our pipeline with heavy equipment
    • General Inquiries: 1.866.717.7473
    • Landowner Inquiries: U.S. 1.866.585.7063 (Note: this line is monitored Monday through Friday 7:30 AM. to 6 PM CST.)

Pipeline Location

  • Most pipelines are buried underground in an area of cleared land often referred to as the “right-of-way” and markers are used to indicate a pipeline’s approximate location as well as the name of the pipeline and the operator’s information
  • Only a TransCanada representative can determine the location and depth of the pipeline as it may not follow a straight course between marker signs
  • If you intend to use our pipeline right-of-way for a fire break, a TransCanada representative must be present
  • You can access further information regarding hazardous liquid and natural gas transmission pipelines located in your community by visiting the National Pipeline Mapping System website

Pipeline Markers

  • Pipeline marker signs contain important information, including the owner of the pipeline, the product shipped in the pipeline and emergency contact numbers
  • TransCanada uses a variety of markers and signs along rights-of-way to alert people to the general location of its pipelines. Markers are typically placed where the pipeline intersects streets, railroads, rivers, fence rows and in heavily congested areas
  • Do not rely on pipeline markers or signs to show you the pipeline’s location, path or depth. Instead call ‘811’. TransCanada and other utilities will send a representative to the proposed excavation site to mark buried utilities at no cost to you
  • It is against the law to willfully and knowingly deface, damage, remove or destroy any pipeline sign. If these signs are missing, damaged or otherwise unreadable, please contact TransCanada to replace them
Transcanada logo

TransCanada is a leading North American energy infrastructure company with an industry-leading safety record. For more than 60 years, TransCanada has built, operates and maintained pipeline systems in a responsible and reliable way to meet the energy needs of North America. For more information about TransCanada, visit, read the TransCanada Blog, follow them on Twitter @TransCanada or connect on LinkedIn.

  • Topics:
    • Hazmat
  • Resource Type:
    • Public education material
  • Organizational Author:
    • External

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