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Community Guide to Preparing and Implementing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan

Establishing and maintaining a CWPP depends on widespread collaboration among landowners, emergency response agencies, and federal, state and local officials. The new Community Guide offers innovative strategies, case studies and other resources to improve coordination and communication among stakeholders as they develop, implement, and monitor the success of a CWPP.

The Community Guide was developed under the leadership of the Wildland Fire Leadership Council, which provides intergovernmental oversight of the implementation of federal fire management policy. Developed by a collaborative group of local, state, and federal agencies and individuals from across the United States, serves as a supplemental resource guide to Preparing and Implementing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan: A Handbook for Wildland-Urban Interface Communities (March 2004).

The 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy, National Fire Plan Implementation Plan Revision, December 2006, identified several tasks associated with the development of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) under the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. The tasks were completed and the result is an updated CWPP guide provided for community members, agency, and organizational staff members. This guide contains additional technical assistance for developing CWPPs, information about forest restoration and wildland fire use, and information about successful land use codes and state ordinances addressing wildfire risk in the wildland urban interface.

  • Topics:
    • Wildland
  • Resource Type:
    • Report/ publication
    • Guide/ toolkit/ template
  • Organizational Author:
    • IAFC
    • External

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