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IAFC's VCOS welcomes new members joining the VCOS Board of Directors.

VCOS left to right Chief Yancey, Chief Cramer and Chief Cooney

The International Association of Fire Chiefs’ (IAFC) Volunteer and Combination Officers Section (VCOS) congratulates the following chiefs for joining the VCOS Board of Directors. There were three standard three-year seats, and one two-year seat, the outstanding term of Chief Flynn.

  • Chief Kevin E. Cooney - South Windsor Fire Department, South Windsor, CT
  • Chief Jordan J. Cramer - South Strabane Township Fire & Emergency Services, Washington, PA
  • Chief Timothy E. Sendelbach - Loveland Fire Rescue Authority, Loveland, CO
  • Chief Al Yancey, Jr. - Minooka Fire Protection District, Minooka, IL

Chiefs Cramer, Sendelbach, and Yancey will serve a three-year term, and Chief Cooney will serve the outstanding two-year term of Chief Flynn. Chiefs Cooney, Cramer, and Yancey were sworn in at the 2024 IAFC’s Fire-Rescue International Conference (FRI) held in Dallas, Texas. Chief Sendelbach was unable to have an in-person swearing-in ceremony at FRI and will instead be sworn in at the VCOS board meeting later this month. As VCOS board members, the chiefs will participate in monthly board meetings, represent VCOS on various committees, contribute to projects/initiatives that further the volunteer and combination fire and emergency service, develop resources, and more.

VCOS left to right Chief Horn, Chief-Sterling and Chief Cowger

A special thanks to Chief Brita Horn and Asst. Chief Paul Sterling for your service on the VCOS Board of Directors. We wish you both the very best in your future endeavors.

Many VCOS members, fire service leaders, and VCOS supporters attended the swearing-in ceremony on August 15 in Dallas. Photos of the swearing-in ceremony are below.


About the Volunteer and Combination Officers Section (VCOS)
VCOS provides chiefs and chief officers who manage volunteers within a volunteer or combination fire, rescue or EMS delivery system with information, education, services and representation to enhance their professionalism. The IAFC’s VCOS mission is to develop and enhance effective, professional leaders of the volunteer and combination fire service by providing tools, resources and representation to lead their organizations effectively. The VCOS vision is to be the leading fire service organization in the United States, representing and educating leaders of the volunteer and combination fire/rescue services. For more information, visit IAFC.org/VCOS.

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