Here are three things you should know about Chief Todd McNeal before the Wildland-Urban Interface Conference:
- Chief Todd McNeal has 23 years of experience and serves as the chief of Twain Harte Fire and Rescue in Tuolumne County, Calif.
- Chief McNeal has a diverse background in wildland and structural fire management and suppression. He has been serving as a division/group supervisor on a federal type II incident management team for the last nine years.
- Chief McNeal is presenting at WUI! Attendees at his session, Staying out of the Gun Sight – Critical Elements for Safe Engine Company Operation in the WUI, will be able to better understand the challenges of engine-company operations in the wildland-urban interface. Participants will further develop their ability to gather critical information for safer suppression operations.
Find out more about Chief McNeal’s session and the rest of the WUI program.