IAFC 150 anniversary logo

Webinar Library

  • Top Five Actions or Inactions That Will Create Legal Challenges for You

    This webinar outlines several issues (out of hundreds) that could place your department in legal jeopardy

    • Section VCOS
    • Department Administration
    • Personnel
    • Operations
    • Volunteer
    • Leadership
    • Human Relations, Diversity & Inclusion
    • Learn & Develop
    • Featured Volunteer
    • Featured Personnel
    • Featured Leadership
    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
  • Red Ribbon Report

    Learn about the tools developed by the VCOS to assist local decision-makers make appropriate and timely decisions

    • Section VCOS
    • Leadership
    • Volunteer
    • Learn & Develop
    • Department Administration
    • Featured Leadership
    • Featured Volunteer
    • Featured Personnel
    • Featured Department Administration
  • Low Frequency Alarm Signal Effectiveness

    This webinar is part of a series presented in conjunction with the Low-Frequency Alarm Symposium.

    • Section FLSS
    • Safety & Health
    • Learn & Develop
    • Fire Prevention
    • Featured Smart Alarm Choices
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Featured Fire Prevention
  • Low-Frequency Alarm Symposium Webinar Series with Dave Christian

    This webinar is part of a series presented in conjunction with the Low-Frequency Alarm Symposium.

    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Learn & Develop
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Featured Smart Alarm Choices
    • Fire Prevention
    • Safety & Health
    • Section FLSS
    • Featured Fire Prevention
  • An Introduction to Low Frequency Audible Alarm Requirements in Various Codes & Standards

    This is a information webinar on low frequency signaling requirements as an effective signal to wake people during an emergency.

    • Operations
    • Section FLSS
    • Learn & Develop
    • Safety & Health
    • Fire Prevention
    • Communications
    • Featured Tools & Topics
    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Featured Smart Alarm Choices
    • Featured Fire Prevention
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Featured Communications & Technology
  • Why Diversity Matters

    The importance of teaching diversity as a Chief Officer

    • Learn & Develop
    • Personnel
    • Volunteer
    • Department Administration
    • Human Relations, Diversity & Inclusion
    • Section VCOS
    • Leadership
    • Featured Volunteer
    • Featured Personnel
    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Featured Leadership
    • Featured Department Administration
  • Review of Alarm Technologies and Their Effectiveness to Wake Deaf and Hard of Hearing Populations While Sleeping

    This presentation will review alarm & detection technologies regulations and certification, and approval processes for the deaf and hearing-impaired.

    • Featured Leadership
    • Safety & Health
    • Featured Safety & Health
    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Fire Prevention
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Communications
    • Section FLSS
    • Learn & Develop
    • Featured Fire Prevention
  • Fire Tech Roundtable: Revolutionizing Pumping Efficiency and Standards

    'Fire Tech Roundtable' where leaders in fire service converge to ignite conversations about today's technological advancements in pumping and fireground operations.

    • Featured Learn & Develop
    • Featured Safety & Health
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Communications
    • Featured Traffic Safety
    • Learn & Develop
    • IAFC Info/News
    • Operations
    • Leadership
    • Featured Leadership
    • Featured Communications & Technology
  • When a Firefighter Dies: Beyond the Dollars and Sense

    This webinar will delve into the emotional topic of a firefighter line-of-duty death

    • Volunteer
    • Section VCOS
    • Learn & Develop
    • Featured Volunteer
    • Featured Learn & Develop
  • Exit Interviews

    Webinar will review the importance of conducting exit interviews for career and volunteers

    • Personnel
    • Section VCOS
    • Human Relations, Diversity & Inclusion
    • Volunteer
    • Department Administration
    • Featured Personnel
    • Featured Volunteer
    • Featured Learn & Develop Courses & Training
    • Featured Department Administration
    • Featured Learn & Develop
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