International Association of Fire Chiefs

Online Learning

Online Learning Opportunities

Upcoming Learning

Self-Paced Learning

IAFC Academy
  • True
    National Safety Culture Change Initiative
    Self paced
    Hour-long online course to help identify and mitigate individual and organizational behaviors that adversely impact firefighter health and safety
  • True
    Rural Response to Rail Incidents
    Self paced
    This training is designed to help you better understand the rail industry, response efforts and agency-specific roles should a train derailment or similar incident occur in your area.
  • False
    Overcoming Cultural Barriers for a More Inclusive Volunteer Workforce
    Self paced
    Strategies for engaging, recruiting and retaining volunteers from diverse backgrounds and communities
  • True
    Chief 101
    Self paced
    Interactive training for chief-level officers to effectively execute roles and responsibilities of volunteer department leadership positions.
iCHIEFS Podcasts

Join the IAFC’s iCHIEFS Podcast with Fire Chief Alec Oughton from Aurora (Colorado) Fire Rescue. Chief Oughton tackles a topic that many chiefs often contemplate: “What if I move my family halfway across the country for a chief job?” The conversation covers the challenges, successes, and the unexpected as he works through his first year in a land far, far away.

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