VCOS is pleased to offer a new course to help build critical thinking skills
As first responders, we often draw on training that helps us make quick decisions based on expert recognition of hazards and possible courses of action–especially on the fire ground and in emergency response situations.
The VCOS Critical Thinking Academy will teach participants how to:
- know when–and how–to step back to think clearly about difficult or recurring problems.
- know when to keep an open mind when facing challenges and when to begin proposing
- analyze problems to find good solutions more efficiently.
- better explain their ideas and decisions to others, supporting effective problem-solving and leadership communication.
- integrate their critical thinking skills into leadership behaviors.
- Participants should be members in good standing of a volunteer or combination fire department; volunteer and career personnel are welcome.
- There are no academic pre-requirements for student participation, though CTA is intended for people who have demonstrated good judgment and exhibit the potential to become successful decision-makers and leaders.
- Interested participants should complete this application which includes an affirmation of support for their participation from their chief or department leadership.
- Participants must attend all three in-person sessions, which will be held over a full day on a Saturday and a half day on a Sunday.
- Participants also should plan to spend roughly 30 minutes a week practicing key skills (this can be done in the course of regular duties) and to spend several one- or two-hour periods between the CTA class meetings to work on their independent projects, including through check-ins with CTA faculty.
- Costs to participants in the pilot program include student transportation to class sessions and any lodging or incidental costs as needed. VCOS and Range Resources are pleased to support the instructional costs and to provide classroom accommodation and student breakfasts and lunches during in-person class sessions.
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