The IAFC urges fire chiefs and fire and emergency service leaders to call their Members of Congress and ask them to re-open the National Fire Academy.
On Friday, March 7, the National Fire Academy was closed as part of a Trump Administration effort to evaluate its programs and align them with Administration programs. The NFA is closed, and all instructor led virtual training is canceled. We understand that only asynchronous virtual classes are still available.
The National Fire Academy is the nation’s premier fire and emergency service educational institution,” said Chief Josh Waldo, the IAFC’s President and Board Chair. “Closing the NFA will risk the development of the nation’s next generation of fire and EMS leaders. This is akin to closing the Naval War College for the U.S. Navy or FBI Academy for law enforcement, and we need to re-open the NFA as soon as possible.”
IAFC members can contact their Senators and Representatives and ask them to re-open the NFA. To simplify the process, the IAFC also has a grassroots write-in campaign that you can use to contact your Representatives and Senators within just a few minutes and ask them to re-open the NFA.