International Association of Fire Chiefs

IAFC Wildfire Resources

IAFC's Wildfire resources offer various resources, programs, training, and education opportunities to help address fire-adapted preparedness, planning, mitigation, operations, and resilient landscapes.

Below are a few of IAFC's highlighted resources.

WUI Chiefs Guide: Comprised of wildfire experts representing local fire service at the national level developed the WUI Chief's Guide - a comprehensive approach to wildfire threats.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP): Leaders Guide: Comprised of wildfire experts representing local fire service at the national level developed the Community Wildfire Protection Plan Leaders Guide - to aid in the creation or update of your community's plan.

Ready, Set, Go! Program provides the RSG Action Guide so fire and emergency service departments have the guidance and resources to educate and empower community members to take personal responsibility and action.

Wildland-Urban Interface Conference: Designed to support the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy bringing together policy makers, planners, responders, practitioners and community representatives together to learn about and discuss trends and collaborative strategies to address the wildfire challenges.

Wildfire Policy Committee: The Wildfire Policy Committee is the IAFC's voice promoting nationwide efforts to reduce wildfire threats through: aggressive prevention, public information and education, mitigation, and Preparation and response efforts.

External Resources

FEMA WUI Awareness - Geospatial Resource Center
FEMA National Risk Index

Additional Resources IAFC's Wildfire Programs

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