International Association of Fire Chiefs

U.S. Congress Takes Action to Help the Nation’s Fire and Emergency Service

As the 118th Congress came to an end on December 21, it passed two bills that will benefit the nation’s fire and emergency service:

  • The Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) repeals the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision for first responders, other state and local government employees, and their survivors. The legislation will allow affected fire and EMS personnel to receive the benefits that they deserve for paying into the federal Social Security system. The bill covers benefits payable after December 2023.
  • The American Relief Act (H.R. 10545) extends the funding of the federal government through March 14, 2025. The bill also extends the Medicare add-on payments for ambulance transport through April 1, 2025.

President Biden is expected to sign both bills into law.

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