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Fire Grants and Safety Act, S. 870 Bill Signing

Officials met at the White House today to witness President Joe Biden's signing of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S. 870).

This important bill is now law and will go into effect immediately. S. 870 preserves two programs that have proven vital to the fire service: the AFG and SAFER grants. Federal funding for these grants is now secured through FY2028. Specifically, the law:

  • Authorizes $750 million each for the AFG and SAFER grant programs from FY 2024 through FY 2028.
  • Delays the sunset date of the programs to September 30, 2030.
  • Authorizes $95 million for the USFA to allow it to fund NERIS; develop EMS programs at USFA; and funds an effort to examine the cause of major fires and report on best practices to prevent them in the future.

The law also includes provisions to promote the development of nuclear energy in the United States. International Association of Fire Chiefs President and Board Chair John S. Butler attended the signing on behalf of the IAFC.

"This law reaffirms our nation's deep commitment to the fire service and EMS," says Butler. "The passage of the Fire Grants and Safety Act represents a collective, bipartisan effort on the part of congressional representatives, the IAFC membership and board, fellow professional associations, and fire service leaders from all over the country. Thank you to everyone who helped ensure the passage of this important legislation."

The bill's key legislative supporters included the leadership of the House and Senate, the leadership of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, the leadership of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and the leadership of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

Many professional organizations and private individuals also campaigned to ensure S. 870 became law. The IAFC is grateful to share in this collective victory and looks forward to continuing to represent fire and EMS interests on Capitol Hill.

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