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Firefighter Families Visit Washington DC to Advocate for PSOB Benefits

Ask Congress to Pass the Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act (H.R. 1719/S. 930)

On July 22 and 23, the families of fallen firefighters will be visiting Washington, DC, to advocate for the passage of the Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act (H.R. 1719/S. 930).

The Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act (H.R. 1719/S. 930) would grant eligibility for the PSOB program to the families of public safety officers that die or are disabled from cancer due to job-related exposures. Specifically, under H.R. 1719/S. 930, a public safety officer would have to have been exposed to “heat, radiation, or a carcinogen that is linked to an exposure-related cancer while in the course of the line of duty.” The public safety officer also would have to have served for five years as a public safety officer before the cancer diagnosis, and the diagnosis would have to occur not later than 15 years after the last day of active service for the public safety officer.

S. 930 was reported out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 5 and is awaiting passage by the full Senate. The House has not acted on H.R. 1719.

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The IAFC is not managing this fly-in, so please contact Mrs. Julie Paidar at jpaidar@comcast.net with any questions.

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