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Contractor Opportunity: IAFC Wildfire Programs through June 17

  1. Summary and Background

    Through USDA Forest Service, DHS/FEMA/AFG/FP&S, and other grants, the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) is accepting submissions for contractor positions to assist with facilitating targeted wildfire community risk reduction through varies projects. Selected contractors will be part of a cache of subject matter experts (SMEs) to take on projects as they become available. Projects may include, but are not limited to, Community Wildfire Defense Grants, Community Wildfire Protection Plan Assistance Programs, and Fire Department Exchange (FDX).

    This opportunity is for current or retired individuals with experience and knowledge in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) response, preparedness, mitigation and who have worked with departments and communities to adapt to wildfire. The goal is to have SMEs ready and available as IAFC projects are awarded to aid high-risk local communities plan for and reduce the risk of wildfire. Contractors will be expected to have communication and training skills that will allow them to provide leadership and guidance to community representatives in developing or updating wildfire related plans and projects.

    Interested individuals shall submit a resume and cover letter with experience and qualifications. The IAFC will review and select based on the criteria listed herein.

  2. Proposal Guidelines & Timeline

    The application period for contractors will be open until June 17, 2024, 1700 Pacific. Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated upon receipt. The IAFC will conduct interviews in July 2024 with those selected to advance in the process. Final selections will be made, and applicants notified no later than July 31, 2024.

    Selected individuals will be provided with a contract and must agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the IAFC. This contract allows IAFC to assign work through individual task orders as project opportunities become available.

    Project Timeline
    • Contractors will be notified of final selection no later than July 31, 2024.
    • The contract will end on December 31, 2029.

  3. Qualifications & Expectations

    Individuals submitting a resume and cover letter should speak to the following items as part of their proposal for consideration:

    • Experience with wildfire and preparedness, including specific subject matter knowledge pertaining to community outreach & education, WUI planning, Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs), WUI codes and ordinances, wildfire mitigation, and evacuation planning.
    • Instructional experience with WUI training.
    • Individuals must be able to travel as needed to select communities.
    Preferred Qualifications
    Individuals with preferred qualifications should speak to the following items in their resume and cover letter:

    • Experience with DHS/FEMA Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). More information on HSEEP can be found at:
    • +15 years quality experience with wildfire and preparedness, including specific subject matter knowledge pertaining to community outreach & education, WUI planning, WUI codes and ordinances, wildfire mitigation, and evacuation planning.
    • Experience using Geographic information system (GIS) for risk mapping and project planning.
    • Experience writing and updating CWPP.
    • Experience working with a diverse community (assisting a community with fire adaptation while navigating demographic and socioeconomic challenges, including multiple languages spoken).
    Expectations of Contractor May Include
    • Travel as needed to select communities for site visits and facilitated deliverables.
    • Guide community leadership through wildfire planning process.
    • Assist with the update or development of department’s CWPP.
    • Provide instruction to local fire department and community stakeholders on smart practices for education and outreach.
    • Guide implementation of specified priority projects within communities.
    • Collect and Analyze data to produce Action Plans for projects identified within counties CWPPs.
    • Collaborate with state forestry and other partners to coordinate and facilitate county-wide training opportunities to include:
      • Ready, Set, Go! Implementation Training and/or Firewise USA®.
      • Home Assessment Training.
      • Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices Training.
    • Coordinate and facilitate evaluation tabletop exercises with community leadership and stakeholders.
    • Collaborate with community representatives to implement and expand their Community Education and Outreach Programs. Efforts will include:
      • Assist in development of a community education outreach plan, identifying county-wide outreach opportunities.
      • Coordinate and assist in development of custom English and English as a second language Ready, Set, Go! Action Guides.
      • Provide access to multiple existing, targeted electronic resources.
      • Assist with planning Defensible Space Demonstration Days.
      • Assist with planning curb-side Community Chipper Days.
      • Assist with planning single or multi-day Community Home Assessment Days.
    • Provide reports to IAFC staff on the project’s progress.
    • Complete invoice and reporting to IAFC staff and submit travel expense reimbursements in accordance with IAFC Travel Policy.
  4. Budget
    Selected contractors will be paid at a rate of $60 per hour. Each project contract will include a project timeline, level of effort outline and a not-to-exceed number of hours, but contractors will only be paid for hours worked that are pre-approved by the Program Manager.

    The IAFC will provide an invoice template and hours tracking sheet to selected contractors, who must submit monthly throughout the assignment.

  5. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
    Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria. To ensure consideration for this Request for Proposal, each proposal should be complete and include all the following criteria:
    • Experience in WUI subject matter, including but not limited to:
      • Leading planning efforts with multiple agencies/stakeholders simultaneously
      • Community Outreach & Education planning and implementation
      • Wildfire Response
      • Wildfire Mitigation
      • Wildfire Evacuation
      • CWPP development & updating
      • Developing and facilitating tabletop exercises
    • Availability to travel to target communities during specified project period of performance
    • Ability to capture reportable progress, accomplishments and project process

Individuals must submit a cover letter and resume outlining their experience and qualifications for this contractor opportunity. Please submit it to Program Manager Derek Bullington, DBullington@iafc.org.

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