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Search and Rescue Apps Available for Disaster Response

We partnered with the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation to build a standardized mobile application and tool set for first responders to rapidly collect location-based information during a disaster.

The applications were built for first responders, incident command staff, and emergency operations center (EOC) staff -- including local and state search and rescue teams -- that are staging and responding to any type of event. Any of those groups can deploy the mobile application.

Field data collected through the tool can be visualized in dashboards, viewers, and reports to support increased situational awareness and improved decision making in the ICP and EOC.

Here's an overview of the application and its use cases for those interested.

If your organization is interested in enrolling, please get in touch with Jeff Dulin at 704-619-2714 or jdulin@iafc.org.

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