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Chiefs: Help IAFF Celebrate Its 100-year Anniversary

On Feb. 28 the IAFF will recognize its 100-year anniversary at a special centennial event in Washington, DC, to be broadcast live on Facebook (www.facebook.com/iaffonline). The IAFC is encouraging fire chiefs with IAFF locals to help celebrate by creating “Tones Across North America.”

At 2 PM ET Feb. 28, we are asking fire departments in the United States and Canada to strike emergency tones and announce through their jurisdiction's dispatch system this centennial message:

At 2:00 p.m. eastern time 100 years ago today, on February 28, 1918, delegates representing 24 local fire fighter unions, founded the IAFF. It is with great pride that we celebrate our 100th anniversary, honoring the men and women who helped shape the IAFF into the great union it is today, making a positive impact on fire fighters’ jobs, livelihoods, health and retirement security - and ensuring that this noble profession continues to be as safe as it can be for the greatest membership in the world. Congratulations to the IAFF on a century of progress.

At the same time (2 PM ET), representatives from many of the original locals affiliated with the IAFF on this day in 1918 will join the IAFF’s principal officers and executive board at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC (the former home of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the site of the first IAFF Convention in 1918), where the statement will also be read.

Thanks for joining the Celebration!

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