Safety, Health & Survival

On behalf of the Safety, Health, and Survival Section members, Welcome to our website!
Safety, Health and Survival Section

Mission is to support and provide leadership for the advancement of occupational safety and health within the fire service and in the greater emergency response community. History should long remember that it was us in this time that did everything in our power to help bring our brother and sister firefighters home from every alarm.


IAFC members of all ranks are welcome to join. Section dues are $25 annually.

Join the IAFC and SHSS

Get details on IAFC membership types and join the IAFC and the Safety, Health & Survival Section today.


Already an IAFC member?

Add SHSS when you renew or by contacting the IAFC at or 866-385-9110 (toll free, ask for member services).

Contact Us

Section Chair
Ian Emmons

IAFC Staff Liaison
Taylor Munday

Sponsored by:

The SHS Section Board thanks for generously hosting our section website for years! The SHSS website has transitioned back to the IAFC website in an effort to streamline access for section members, but we recognize and greatly appreciate for hosting the website and providing their support for the section's efforts over the last few years.
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