International Association of Fire Chiefs

IAFC Launches Bugle Brief

Beginning August 8, the IAFC will offer a new resource called Bugle Brief, which offers leadership lessons and management insights from a broad range of industries, not just fire, to expand the readers’ perspectives and introduce out-of-the-box solutions. Bugle Brief will provide an added IAFC membership benefit; it will be distributed to them automatically. Nonmembers may subscribe using the online subscription form.

Bugle Brief will be distributed electronically on a bimonthly basis, arriving in mailboxes on the 8th and the 22nd of the month or the first business day thereafter.

You asked, we heard you

IAFC members often mention the desire for a resource focused on leadership and management practices. Bugle Brief is a compilation of leadership and management-related articles from nationally acclaimed business media, such as the Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal. It will also tap into resources of other industry leaders, including those from the fields of finance, engineering and many more.

Each issue will also include at least one piece that speaks directly to the fire and emergency service, either from the fire, EMS or local government trade press or from exclusive IAFC content. IAFC staff will review the content for each issue, to ensure the content is relevant to our members.

What members are saying

Approximately 30 members, representing different ranks and department types, were sent a sample of Bugle Brief to preview, and results were overwhelmingly positive. Below is a sampling of what we heard:

I like the aspect of some of the content being outside the fire service, makes you think outside the box, and in turn determine if it can be applied to your organization or the fire service.

Great idea, I love the look outside "our" house for innovative ideas and trends. I feel tools like this help keep the fire service on the cutting edge. I can't wait to see the finished product!

Definitely something different and should be a breath of fresh air … [the IAFC is] not relying on the status quo.

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