International Association of Fire Chiefs

Pay Attention and Move Over!! For Firefighter Survival

A Message to the National Media

Chantilly, Va. – This past weekend yet another firefighter, along with a police officer, were struck and killed in Texas. Another firefighter is in critical condition.

Nationally, the risk of firefighters, police officers and other first responders being struck continues to be a serious problem and your help is needed.

Firefighters from across the nation are urging motorists to respect the move over laws and use caution when approaching emergency vehicles on interstates and roads.

Move over laws requires motorists to approach with caution and yield to emergency vehicles, including highway maintenance vehicles displaying flashing lights. Drivers must cautiously change lanes if they can do so safely or reduce speed and proceed with caution if unable to change lanes.

The move over laws apply to all interstates and state highways and is enforceable by any law enforcement officer.

Firefighters and first responders urge your heightened awareness and attention so that they can do their jobs - in helping you and your families - without the further risk of being struck on a roadway.

Today, several fire service organizations widely distributed a resource -- 10 Practical Tips for Responding and Operating on Roadway and Highway Incidents. It contains the best practices for first responders conducting emergency response operations on our roads and highways. For more information, please contact the IAFC, the IAFF or any of the other organizations who signed onto the fire service message.  

This joint message is being provided by the following national fire service organizations:

•             CVVFA/Emergency Responder Safety Institute, President Allen Baldwin

•             Fire Department Safety Officers Association, Chairman Eric Valliere

•             International Association of Fire Chiefs, President Gary Ludwig

•             International Association of Fire Fighters, General President Harold A. Schaitberger

•             International Society of Fire Service Instructors, Executive Director Leigh Hubbard

•             Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association (Metro), President Mike Duyck

•             National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Executive Director Ron Siarnicki

•             National Volunteer Fire Council, Chairman Steve Hirsch

•             United States Fire Administration, U.S. Fire Administrator G. Keith Bryant, USFA-FEMA-DHS  


About the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
The IAFC represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide. IAFC members are the world's leading experts in firefighting, emergency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous materials spills, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for its members to exchange ideas, develop professionally and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders. Learn more
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