James Silvernail, Fire Chief, Kirkwood Fire Department
Leadership Accomplishments
President Missouri Valley Division of the IAFC
MVD Fire Officer and Ranking Chief Executive (FORCE)
Greater St. Louis Area Fire Chief’s Association
Member: May 2016-present
Treasurer, Board of Directors:
January 2018- present
St. Louis County Fire Standards Commission
Municipal Fire Chief Representative 2019-present
St. Louis Area Fire Ground Safety Initiative
Working Group Chair: 2013-2016
Steering Committee Co-Chair: 2016-present
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Technical Committee Member (NFPA 1710): May 2013- May 2016
International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI)
Western Regional Board of Directors: 2015-2019
Backstopper’s, LLC. (Support for LODD) 2013-present
Advisory Board of Director: January 2019-present
Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE)
Chief Fire Officer Designee: July 2014-present
Congressional Fire Service Institute (CFSI)
Fire Engineering Advisory Board
Advisory Board of Director: 2022-present
Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) International
Advisory Board of Director: 2022-present
Formal Education
National Fire Academy
Executive Fire Officer
Lindenwood University
St. Charles, Missouri
Master of Science degree, Human Resource Management
Truman State University (aka Northeast Missouri University)
Kirksville, Missouri
Bachelor’s in Business degree, Finance and Administration
St. Louis Community College
St. Louis, Missouri
Associates of Science degree, Fire Protection Technology
Fiscal-First Competency; Right-Thing, Right-Way, Right-Reasons
I have been very fortunate in my career to have risen through the fire service ranks and serve two distinguished agencies in St. Louis County, Missouri. I have also had the pleasure of serving various national and international professional organizations; teaching and observing the needs of the fire service as a whole. I understand the struggles that leaders face within their modern organizational financial climates and the very deliberate support that they need for success.
My objective priorities are quite simple, the continuous improvement processes of leading, educating, including, and serving fire service leadership; moving the IAFC within the vision of enhancing professionalism and value-added capabilities. We need to continue in developing future technologies, data analysis, innovation, and fiscally responsible IAFC services in representing our members on a local, regional and national level. My intent is to support initiatives that bolster fiscal progress within the IAFC Strategic Plan.
Furthering the advancement of our mission and existence, we must also consistently support the welfare of those we have sworn to serve. In keeping aligned with the IAFC Strategic Plan, my “Fiscal-First” platform is to support initiatives that embrace technology and research, such as UL/NIST initiatives, public safety communications, and to further develop organizational partnerships and relationships for future implementation of impactful programs.
The fire service must embrace technological advances in our industry, developing education that supports best industry practices for all members regardless of agency size, whether paid, volunteer, or combination.
As a team, we must keep the IAFC brand strong in continuing to grow a broad membership, providing opportunities to recruit new members; representative of the demographics of all fire service members. I will continue to support and promote fiscal initiatives that will promote the IAFC branding of trust to accomplish this goal.