2nd Vice President Candidate - Ernest Malone

Ernest V. Malone, Chief of Fire; Indianapolis Fire Department

Ernest Malone 2nd VP CandidateChief Malone joined the Indianapolis Fire Department in 1986. He has been promoted through competitive promotion processes and has held every Merit Rank in the department. Chief Malone has served as a Firefighter, Lieutenant, Captain, and Battalion Chief in the Operations/Suppression division. His administrative assignments include Assistant Director of Training, Fire Marshal, Division Chief of Executive Services and Assistant Chief of Fire.

Chief Malone holds an Associate Degree in Fire Science, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, and a Master’s Degree in Management. Additionally, Chief Malone has completed a twelve-month program offered by Indiana University’s Randall L. Tobias Center for Leadership Development and was awarded the designation as a Hoosier Fellow in 2011. Chief Malone is a graduate of the National Fire Academy and has also achieved the highly regarded and prestigious certification as a Chief Fire Officer (CFO) through the Center for Public Safety Excellence becoming the first member of the Indianapolis Fire Department to achieve this designation. He serves as a certified Incident Commander on the Region Five All Hazards Incident Management Team.

Professional Affiliations

  • International Association of Fire Chiefs Board of Directors
  • IAFC Metro Fire Chiefs Executive Board, President
  • IAFC iDELP Fellow
  • International Association of Firefighters Local #416
  • National Society of Executive Fire Officers
  • Center for Public Safety Excellence, Chief Fire Officer Designation
  • National Fire Protection Association
  • National Fire Academy Alumni Association
  • Indiana Fire Chiefs Association
  • Marion County Fire Chiefs Association, President
  • IVY TECH Community College - Public Safety Advisory Board
  • Purdue/Global University - Public Safety Advisory Board
  • FirstNet – Public Safety Board
  • Indianapolis Public Safety Foundation - Board Member


The Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) is a performance driven, full service, career public safety agency. My responsibilities as the Chief of Fire include overall command and responsibility of the department.

I have both something to offer, and much to learn by pursuing the 2nd Vice President’s position within the IAFC. I am passionate about our profession and the brave women and men who serve in it. My service on the IAFC Board of Directors (BoD) since 2019 has prepared me for the position of 2nd Vice-President. I will always maintain that the divisions, sections, committees and staff are the heart of the Association, and that the BoD are charged first and foremost with supporting the needs of the membership and the fire service at large.

We will continuously measure our performance by using the following success indicators.

IAFC Success Indicators: serve our customers, run the business, manage resources, and develop our members.

I have strong relationships with our divisions, sections and committees. If I am fortunate enough to be elected as your 2nd Vice President, I view my role as one which inspires growth and seeks opportunities for progression.  I pride myself on the health and safety of our members, staff development and fiscal responsibility.

I know that we are better together, and my promise is that each of you will have a valued voice in our association.

As your 2nd Vice President, I will have the courage to act, the ability to perform and the willingness to take reasonable risks to guide the organization. As we move the Fire Service forward together, we will continue to value the traditions of the past, effectively address the issues of the present, and embrace the challenges of the future. I look forward to being a part of the IAFC’s future.

Yours in service,

Ernest V. Malone
Chief of Fire
Indianapolis Fire Department

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