Volunteer and Combination Officers Section

Jason Catrambone, CFO, ECO, GIFireE
Fire Chief, Klein Fire Department (TX)

Chief Jason Catrambrone, ECOJason L. Catrambone, is a 30 year veteran of the fire service and currently serves as the Fire Chief Harris County Emergency Services District #16 (HCESD 16) Klein Fire Department in Klein, TX with the support of his wife Sarah and daughters, Molly and Callie. Chief Catrambone started his career which as a firefighter serving in the United States Marine Corps with his first duty assignment on the airfield in Iwakuni, Japan.

Chief Catrambone has served as an At-large Board Member on the International Association of Fire Chief’s Volunteer Combination Officers Section (VCOS) from 2014 to 2021 and as the International Director for the VCOS since 2021. Chief Catrambone also held the position of President of the North Dakota State Fire Chief’s Association from 2017 to 2019.

Chief Catrambone has volunteer, combination, and paid experience that has been gained both state side and around the world. He has started fire departments in Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan, and assisted with others in Asia and Africa.

His family history in the fire service can be traced back to the mid 1800’s, and till this day there are still family members serving on that department in Massachusetts.

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