Workforce Solutions

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Workforce Solutions (WS) offers fire departments turnkey solutions focused on volunteer and combination systems' recruitment and retention efforts. Through partnerships on the local, state and national level, WS works directly with you to address department recruitment and retention challenges by providing marketing materials, training and staff support.

Program Support

WS provides support in the following areas:

  • Support for leadership training and tools development and/or delivery focused on the needs of the volunteer fire department.
  • Recruitment and retention support, including developing traditional or cutting-edge recruitment strategies.
  • Department review to identify issues and challenges influencing the recruitment and retention rates of volunteer firefighters.
  • Support current or future grant-funded recruitment and retention projects, including AFG-SAFER recruitment and retention grants.

Need help with volunteer recruitment and retention?

Learn how we can help


Program Management and Funding Opportunities

The IAFC works collaboratively with program sponsors to provide overarching education and manage the day-to-day program activities. WS assistance and financial support can be funded in a variety of ways depending on the needs and resources of the program sponsor. Common funding options include:

  • Direct contract with the department or municipality
  • AFG-SAFER recruitment and retention grants
  • Other private or government funding sources

Need help with writing or submitting grant applications? IAFC members get a 25% discount from FireGrantsHelp by using code IAFC25.

Current Programs

Tennessee Volunteer Workforce Solutions

In partnership with the Tennessee Fire Chiefs Association

National Workforce Solutions

In partnership with:

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