Highway, Air & Water

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Community Safety Planning and Training 

​The IAFC Hazmat Center is proud to announce that they received the Community Safety–Emergency Planning Response and Outreach (CS–EPRO) Grant from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration in November 2018.


DOT' Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) strives to improve road safety as it relates to the transport of hazardous materials. To learn more, visit FMCSA's hazmat-related website.


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in charge of regulating, certifying and enforcing hazardous materials transportation for U.S. private and commercial air transportation. Learn more at the FAA's Office of Hazardous Materials Safety.


The Maritime Administration's (MARAD) mission is to support a healthy and robust U.S. maritime transportation industry. They have plenty of helpful information for first responders on the MARAD website.


Emergency Response Guidebook 2024

Emergency Response Guidebook - 2024

Guidebook for first responders during initial stage of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods
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H2Tools Portal

Online resource for response training, tools and networking around safety aspects of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
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Hazmat Resource Organizations

Organizations who offer various Hazmat resources.
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IAFC Letter to TSA on hazmat placards

Letter to the Transportation Security Administration regarding the issue of removing hazardous materials placards from rail cars...

Maritime Administration (MARAD)

MARAD balances the needs of safety, security, the environment and commercial mobility for water transport.
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Propane and Gas Safety in Flooding Conditions: EMR-ISAC InfoGram, Nov. 2012

Tips and resources for responding to incidents involving propane and gas in different circumstances.
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Safety Brief - Explosive Cargo Trucks - Response Considerations

This briefing outlines the safe and proper response to roadway incidents involving the transport of commercial explosives.
Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card

TransCanada Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card

Use this Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card to record important information during pipeline incidents.