
The Latest

Register Today for IAFC Propane-Response Education Classes!

Enroll in our new Propane Emergencies Training for Responders!

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Adopts Final Rule to Amend Real-Time Train Consist Information Requirements

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued a final rule altering the Hazardous Materials Regulations found in 49 C.F.R. §§171—180

IAFC and TC Energy Mexico Pipeline Training

Training in 2020 was completed in the State of Veracruz and the State of Sinaloa and is presently underway in the State of Hidalgo October 28-29, 2021, and Guanajuato November 4-5, 2021.

Community Safety Planning and Training 

​The IAFC Hazmat Center is proud to announce that they received the Community Safety–Emergency Planning Response and Outreach (CS–EPRO) Grant from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration in November 2018.


Responding to Propane / Flammable Gas Incidents Bulletin

Responding to Propane / Flammable Gas Incidents Bulletin

This resource is to help the fire service respond to flammable gas leaks in structures in a safe, efficient, and coordinated manner
Emergency Response Guidebook 2024

Emergency Response Guidebook - 2024

Guidebook for first responders during initial stage of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials/dangerous goods
Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card

TransCanada Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card

Use this Pipeline Incident Information Visor Card to record important information during pipeline incidents.
The National Association of State Fire Marshals

The National Association of State Fire Marshals

Training assist first responders to learn the techniques and skills to address a hazardous liquid or natural gas pipeline incident.
Fire Department Pipeline Response, Emergency Planning, and  Preparedness Toolkit

Fire Department Pipeline Response, Emergency Planning, and Preparedness Toolkit

The NVFC is working with PHMSA to raise awareness and readiness levels within the volunteer fire and emergency response community.

National Pipeline Mapping System

NPMS contains information about hazardous liquid and gas transmission pipelines under the jurisdiction of US DOT PHMSA.
Hazmat Res Org 1280x720

Hazmat Resource Organizations

Organizations who offer various Hazmat resources.
Propane and Gas Safety in Flooding Conditions_ EMR-ISAC InfoGram, Nov. 2012 1280x720

Propane and Gas Safety in Flooding Conditions: EMR-ISAC InfoGram, Nov. 2012

Tips and resources for responding to incidents involving propane and gas in different circumstances.