Safety Stand Down: Post-Incident Considerations with Lithium-Ion Batteries

2023 SSD Post Incident Blog
June 23 - 24, 2023

The actions of the fire service on incidents involving lithium-ion batteries extend beyond initial fire suppression activities. In order to limit the impact of fire and secondary responses to the original event, fire departments must work collaboratively with our community to limit secondary events.

Brighton Area (MA) Fire Authority Chief and Fire & Life Safety Section International Director Michael O’Brian covers this topic in a brief video. Topics introduced are expanded upon in today’s fact sheet.


Current Practices: Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage Systems

This resource provides lessons learned and suggested next steps as EVs, charging stations, and ESS become more prevalent across the US

Take Charge of Battery Safety

FSRI's lithium-ion battery safety campaign includes key resources to help firefighters respond to li-ion battery fires.