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This article outlines how paid and volunteer firefighters should view themselves as complementary to each other in their department.
Case study
This e-book, produced by the ICMA, details the conflicts that may arise in a combination department and how to address them.
This EFOP research paper shows the differences in personalities between volunteer and career firefighters and how to work around or overcome issues.
Learn from IAFC President Chief Dan Eggleston how to avoid conflict between career and volunteer firefighters.
If leaders want to ensure that competition unleashes creativity and not unethical behavior, they must resist the temptation to lead through fear.
Officer leadership courses should include sections on conflict management and resolution for when situations inevitably arise.
It does not matter whether the members are career, part-time, or volunteer in your combination department, you have to depend on them all.
The best leaders know they do not have to resolve every conflict. They learn to empower their others by guiding them, providing resources, and incentivizing them to work things out on their own.
Departments need to look out for their members through financial assurances.
8 Resources
Legal Issues
Volunteer departments need to understand the laws that affect recruiting and retaining members.
6 Resources
High-quality processes bring in high-quality people.
21 Resources
Keeping quality members allows a department to thrive and grow.
20 Resources