Training & Resources

You have too much to do to spend time searching through a myriad of websites, training manuals, magazines and other sources for hazmat-focused training and resources. The Hazmat Fusion Center's mission is to short-cut this for you—to be your one-stop-shop to access hazmat-focused training and resources.

In this section, you’ll find information and tools organized by format.

Interested in materials organized by modes of transportation or commodities? Check out the Transportation & Commoditiessection.


In-Person Training

Wildland Urban Interface Conference

Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2025

March 27 - 29, 2025 | Kansas City, MO
Three essential tracks - Fire Adapted Communities, operations & suppression, and policy & tools - ensure you and your team get everything you need to minimize and manage threats in the WUI.

Online Course

Propane Emergencies Training

Propane Emergencies Training for Awareness Mission-Specific Responders

Self paced | Online
Learn foundational knowledge to recognize fundamental propane characteristics, risks, regulations, safety, and indications of potential propane-related emergencies


Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) Toolkit

Home Oxygen Therapy (HOT) Toolkit

Tool kit for Fire Chiefs to address the hazards of Home Oxygen Fire Hazards