Advanced Leadership Training for Volunteers

VCOS logo - IAFC Volunteer and Combination Officers Section
June 11, 2024 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time Online

Leadership is not just crucial but essential to the day-to-day operations and future potential of every volunteer fire department. While most volunteers join to run calls and serve their communities, it's great leaders who make that service possible.

Identifying, training, and empowering strong leaders is central to departmental success. While the IAFC typically uses organic mentoring and structured classes like the Officer I program (along with numerous educational conferences) to help prepare leaders, many departments have realized a need for more structured and advanced leadership training.

Join us on June 11th to hear about one region's effort to modify a program developed for career staff to serve and meet the needs of volunteer departments. You will learn about the program's development from a career to a volunteer-based curriculum, hear a student's perspective on their experiences during and after program completion, and explore different ways that this program can be tied to other advanced leadership training initiatives, such as the Symposium in the Sun.

Most importantly, this webinar equips you with the knowledge and tools to develop and implement a similar leadership program tailored to your department's unique needs, ensuring its practicality and relevance to your role.

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