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Combining Monthly Meeting with Community Event Case Study
National Volunteer Workforce Solutions

Bethel Acres Volunteer Fire Department

Recruitment, Retention, Community Involvement and Financial Assistance

Monthly throughout 2016

Shawnee, Oklahoma

The last Monday of each month, community members gather at the Bethel Acres Community Center Pavilion for a prepared dinner hosted by the BAFD Fire Booster Club (non-profit 501 (c) 3). This community gathering also happens to be the fire departments ‘monthly meeting night, meaning that anyone who comes and subsequently becomes a member of the club, is able to converse and build relationships with fire department personnel on a regular basis.

To become a member of the Booster Club, you must first be invited by an active member and your first month’s $25 fee is paid by the invitee. After attendance of three consecutive months, you become an official member and receive a member’s-only card, which drops membership fee to $20 per month. For every member’s fee, $5 goes directly to BAFD while the remaining $15 into the BAFD Fire Booster Clubs account. This allows the club to assist the fire department in other financial ways, cutting out time operational firefighters spend on administrative duties.

By allowing individuals an opportunity to meet and build relationships with their local firefighters, department personnel and leadership can better identify potential recruits. Community support plays a huge role in this town and it may be the same in yours!

Hosting this dinner also gives those who cannot meet the demands of being a BAFD member an equal opportunity to still be long and contribute in other ways.  Many citizens are not familiar with the administrative or auxiliary assistance that is needed; this is a great way to a department’s message out about other volunteering opportunities.

Does your department need help with membership, marketing, finances, or public education activities?  Showcase these opportunities at community-wide dinners or other functions and ask for what help you need.

For more information or to submit a story from your own department, contact Lexie Coulson at lcoulson@iafc.org.

Vol. 1, Issue 4

  • Topics:
    • Recruitment2
    • Volunteer
    • Recruitment
    • Human Resources
  • Resource Type:
    • Case study
  • Organizational Author:
    • VWS

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